Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Taking a Stand Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Taking a Stand - Essay Example This is subsequently presented to masses by professionals rather than academics while focusing on the economic effects (Minogue). Minogue named this new specie as the for-profit universities and educational institutes. However, the practice of for-profit education was first criticized by Plato and Aristotle in ancient Greece. Fee-based education was actually an idea presented by Sophists who were immigrant professional teachers in Athens. They started offering higher education services in return of some fees. Researchers argue that three prominent Sophists including Hippias, Protagoras and Isocrates had a clear idea about competition. Since their approach was significantly innovative therefore they faced immense criticism from Plato and his student Aristotle. Both of them argued that such educational activities which are based upon earning profit and commercialization will have negative impact on the Greek society (Stabile). Plato in particular was against the for-profit education because he believed that there is absolutely no connection between truth and profit, money and education. Moreover, Plato viewed profit based teachings as predicted on an extreme pride regarding what represents knowledge. Plato also argued that for-profit education gives rise to false class divisions depending upon the odd stru ctures which have value but no truth (Bartlett). Aristotle focused more towards the liberal education which actually reflects the basic conditions and assumptions of the Athenian society. Here, liberal was used in two different meanings. Firstly, education should not be aimed at generating profits neither it should be expressed in form of end-utility. Secondly, liberal education means a balance between moral and intellectual excellence (Yu). He rejected the idea of fee-based education in the same way as his teacher Plato did. Contrary to this, Sophists used to charge fees for

Monday, October 28, 2019

Process Design Matrix and Summary Essay Example for Free

Process Design Matrix and Summary Essay We’ll begin by defining processes development. According to (Chase Jacobs) process is defined as common manufactured products that describe the necessary essential steps for the design of a product. These methods represent a basic sequence of steps or activities that an organization uses to create or modify a product. Many of these tasks involve more intellectual knowledge than physical activity. Some companies define and follow an accurate and detailed development process, while others may not even be able to describe their processes. Every company uses a different process from any other company; in fact, the same organization may follow a different process for each of its products or markets. The purpose of this strategy process is to design a process that meets the customers needs and to product details within the cost and other administrative constraints. Note that the selected process will have a long term effect on competition and the flexibility of the production, as well as on the cost and quality of goods produced. Therefore, much of the procedures strategy is provided at the time of the decision making. I work at Humana Healthcare Insurer Company. It is a Kentucky based Company with 45 years in the market, a leader in consumer-centric health benefits and a Fortune 100 company with revenues of more than $ 30 billion, ranking 79 in our evolving approach to well-being. To help people achieve lifelong well-being, the elements of purpose, belonging, security and health all work together to produce true well-being and we make our contribution to bigger than balance through core strength of our health. Taking into considering the service offered, which is a health insurance plan, Humana has a call center that uses an advanced technology platform that allows access to multiple platforms at the same time to focus on solving the resolution of the call. Calls are answered by highly trained personnel to meet the highest standards of quality and customer  satisfaction. We answer calls in a time of 20-80 seconds allowing each call to be a good experience for our customers. This will allow flows and processes designed to meet and comply with operational requirements and customer needs. To reach the highest levels of satisfaction our Call Center Workforce Management area has to forecast calls volume, agent requirement calculation, compare results and build sc hedule workforce. Our results of the survey conducted to our customers exceed the standards of 98 percent satisfaction. Another service that Humana offers are programs directed to health care. Prevention is one of the main approaches for optimal health. Humana adds value promoting programs such as Humana Beginning for pregnant women, asthma prevention program and nutrition programs where our nutritionists coordinate health programs to guide and promote an optimal health that would result in healthier employees and lower utilization costs. With this vision a 30 percent reduction of your bill for medical claims is expected. The technology used for the call distribution it’s an ACD which allows equitable distribution. Humana provides a dedicated unit called SBU / VIP Area which is a dedicated area of integrated services for our customers. The objective of this area is to manage VIP customer calls through this dedicated area, offering them an exclusive and unique service. Our product is intangible, where each of our programming methods is directed to the contact with the customer, the response time is short, and our markets are local and international. Another of our features is the simultaneous production and consumption with re sponse; duty cycles that are closed after each call and systems technology for call log inquiries to document the call resolution. The main objective is to improve quality, associates productivity and timely response. References Boothroyd, G.,P. Dewhurst and W. Knight. Product Design for Manufacture and Assembly. 2nd ed New York Marcel Dekker 2002 Cooper, R. G Winning at New Products: Accelerating the Process from Idea to Launch Reading MA Perseus Books. 2001 Morgan James M., and Jeffrey K. Liker: The Toyota Product Development System: Integratimg People, Process, and Technology. New York Productivity Press, 2006 Ulrich, Karl T., and Steven D Eppinger. Product Design an Development 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2004 Un diagrama de flujo està ¡ diseà ±ado para representar un proceso, ya sea en negocios o en lo personal, para mostrar la forma mà ¡s eficaz de completar un proceso. Un diagrama de flujo puede ayudar a visualizar lo que està ¡ pasando y ayudar a la persona o personas que està ¡n buscando en ellas para entender el proceso que se describe, y si es necesario, la forma de mejorarlo. Cada dà ­a, las personas realizan diferentes tareas que consumen una gran parte de su rutina diaria. En el siguiente artà ­culo, de un proceso especà ­fico ha sido identificado y, a continuacià ³n un diagrama de flujo ha sido diseà ±ado para mostrar los diferentes factores que pueden afectar el proceso, asà ­ como la mà ©trica especà ­fica que identifica el proceso. En el diseà ±o de un diagrama de flujo, los resultados muestran cà ³mo la cantidad de tiempo podrà ­a ser minimizado y que hacer para que el proceso sea mà ¡s eficiente. Hay diferentes tipos de diagramas de flujo, y cada uno tiene diferentes cuadros que representan distintas etapas en el proceso que se discute. Tambià ©n pueden incluir distintos niveles de detalle, segà ºn sea necesario y se muestra la estructura general del sistema. Diagramas de flujo suelen utilizar sà ­mbolos especiales, como los diamantes o rectà ¡ngulos. Un rectà ¡ngulo de bordes redondos representa las actividades de inicio y finalizacià ³n. Un rectà ¡ngulo regular representa una actividad o un solo paso. Un diamante representa el punto de decisià ³n. Las là ­neas de flujo muestran la progresià ³n de una etapa a la siguiente. Los factores que afectan el proceso de diseà ±o de tiempo dedicado a prepararse para el dà ­a serà ¡n los siguientes: 1.  ¿Por quà © me levanto de inmediato o no oprimà ­ el botà ³n de la alarma? 2.  ¿Està ¡ mi ropa planchada para el dà ­a o tienen que ser planchada? 3.  ¿Mis hijos preparan sus bultos para sus prà ¡cticas de volleyball en la noche o lo hacen en la ma à ±ana? 4.  ¿Mi hijo de 11 aà ±os tienen practica o va a quedarse en casa? Si tiene prà ¡ctica, el tiempo debe ser aà ±adido en vestirse, lavarse la cara, cepillarse los dientes, desayunar. Todos y cada uno de estos factores puede afectar el tiempo de proceso, ya que potencialmente pueden afectar la cantidad de tiempo dedicado a cada tarea. Algunas otras medidas que podrà ­an incluirse en la rutina de la maà ±ana son los siguientes: 1) Lavarse los dientes 2) Ducha 3) Secarse el cabello 4) Aplicar el maquillaje La mà ©trica que se ha identificado para medir este proceso serà ¡ el tiempo. Estoy buscando una manera mà ¡s eficiente para agilizar el trà ¡fico de la maà ±ana con mis hijos a partir del tercer grado en dos semanas y un bebà © recià ©n nacido en casa. El diagrama de flujo incorporarà ¡ la mà ©trica del tiempo para cada dà ­a de la semana que se està ¡ estudiando, en un plazo de cinco dà ­as. El tiempo es un componente crà ­tico en la maà ±ana si me les pido a mis hijos preparar los bultos para las prà ¡cticas de volleyball a tiempo o salir por la puerta para el nombramiento de un mà ©dico u otra actividad programada. Los tiempos que se enumeran a incluir la colecta de datos durante cinco dà ­as de la semana del 3 de octubre de 2011. Lunes, 10/03/11 tiempo de preparacià ³n: 32 minutos Martes, 10/04/11 tiempo de preparacià ³n: 20 minutos Mià ©rcoles, 10//05/11 tiempos para prepararse: 33 minutos Jueves, 10/06/11 tiempo para prepararse: 15 minutos Viernes, 10/07/11 tiempo de preparacià ³n: 19 minutos El tiempo total gastado en el transcurso de cinco dà ­as: 119 minutos Un diagrama de flujo puede ayudar a una persona a decidir quà © medidas tomar para agilizar un proceso en el trabajo o en su vida personal. El diagrama de flujo que diseà ±Ãƒ © muestra claramente que el fin de agilizar la rutina de la maà ±ana, es necesario cuidar al mà ¡ximo la noche anterior. Esto incluye el planchado de la ropa, preparar los bultos, y tener a mi hijo ducha. El diseà ±o del diagrama de flujo muestra el tiempo extra que serà ¡ necesaria si cada paso que no se toma el cuidado de la noche anterior, o AM si me decido a golpear el botà ³n del despertador a las 6:00 a.m. CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY I certify that the attached paper is my original work. I am familiar with, and acknowledge my responsibilities which are part of, the University of Phoenix Student Code of Academic Integrity. I affirm that any section of the paper which has been submitted previously is attributed and cited as such, and that this paper has not been submitted by anyone else. I have identified the sources of all information whether quoted verbatim or paraphrased, all images, and all quotations with citations and reference listings. Along with  citations and reference listings, I have used quotation marks to identify quotations of fewer than 40 words and have used block indentation for quotations of 40 or more words. Nothing in this assignment violates copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property laws. I further agree that my name typed on the line below is intended to have, and shall have, the same validity as my handwritten signature

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Conflict and Tradition in Things Fall Apart Essay -- Things Fall Apart

Conflict and Tradition in Things Fall Apart The book Things Fall Apart successfully expressed how Chinua Achebe had succeeded in writing a different story. It pointed out the conflict of oneself, the traditional beliefs, and the religious matters of the Africans. Throughout the novel, Chinua Achebe used simple but dignified words and unlike other books, he also included some flashbacks and folktales to make the novel more interesting and comprehensible. Things Fall Apart was about a man named Okonkwo, who was always struggling with his inner fear although he was known for being a strong, powerful, and fearless warior. He feared of weakness, and failure more than the fear of losing and dying and that forshadowing the consequenses he got at the end. Through this man that Chinua Achebe represented the deep and rich human characteristics and the beliefs of one religion to another. The agriculture of the Igbo society was different than other societies of today. Yams were the main nourishment through every meal and they called these yams "the king of crops." Furthermore, people used the yams for every traditional celebration and used kola nuts to offer their "chi" or personal god. These food, as Chinua Achebe had described, sometimes related to or involved with the religion or ancestrial spirits. Sometimes there were certain celebrations for each specific kind of food such as the New Yam Festival. Chinua Achebe used agriculture to express certain characteristics of each festival and celebration of the Igbo society. There was not o... ...hrough this book that Chinua Achebe cleverly described the complexity of each religion and how it affected the African community at that period of time. The death of Okonkwo at the end was unpredictable to the readers because throughout the novel, Chinua Achebe described him as a strong warrior who feared of nothing besides failure and weakness. When Okonkwo committed suicide, he also committed the only thing he feared, and that was weakness. Things Fall Apart was the book about power, strength, sentiment, religion and love; it also contained several dramatic ironies. Although Achebe had written many books and novels, Things Fall Apart was one of his finest work that got listed as the Classic Bestseller. His delicately African style furnished the uniqueness as well as the prominence to the book.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

John Stuart Mill and Women’s Movement Essay

John Stuart Mill was born in London in 1806. He became renowned as an economist, a writer, a philosopher and senior personnel in the East India Company (EIC). John Stuart Mill rendered much of his life time to a prominent activist working for women’s rights and movements. The Beginning The history which links Mill to the feminist movement dates back to the year 1851 when he married to a widow named Harriet Taylor and got settled in Blackheath Park. This place is said to be his spot from where a number of influential writings that advocated women’s right were written, which subsequently became popular worldwide. The Victorian Women’s Movement in England is also said to reach to this very place of Mill in the hope of counseling, headship and financial assistance (Sunshine for Women, 2003). Mill started working for the women’s cause after getting married to Taylor. As a matter of fact, he had to be subtle in participating in reform movements while being a member of the EIC. This is the reason he had to use his pen to work for the purpose. Mill retired from the East India Company in 1858. The first popular writing that he have with his name was written in 1860 and 1861 entitled as The Subjection of Women, which he did not give to publish as yet (Sunshine for Women, 2003). The Breakthrough In the year 1865, Mill was asked to stand at one of the positions for the parliament, the offer which was readily accepted by him. The agreement was basically, on the basis of the platform’s top most agenda as to give women rights to vote along with other equality rights. Following Mill’s enthusiasm for the cause and seeing his participation, different other women’s rights organizations approached him for his support. In due course, a Ladies Discussion Group carried out a poll asking its members if they thought it right for the women to participate in the public affairs. To their surprise, all the women members consented with this. Such an overwhelming response made Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon, a leading early nineteenth century feminist and educationist, take a daring step. She suggested at par to build a suffrage society. Unfortunately, this step could not be carried out at that point in time because other contemporary activists were also afraid of extremists’ actions against the idea. However, Mill was courageous enough to support this idea once it was made certain that a Reform Bill would be put forward to the Parliament. He asked Bodichon to get more than hundred signatures in support of the petition. The stride proved to be quite successful and Bodichon was able to bring around 1,500 signatures following the formation of the first ever Women’s Suffrage Committee. Subsequently, when Mill put forth the petition after almost a eyear in 1866, the Bill was passed and the agenda of having women’s suffrage was incorporated in the parliament. Despite many hurdles, Mill’s one another daring step towards the cause was to make an amendment in the clause that dealt with property qualifications. He proposed to substitute the word ‘man’ with ‘person’ (Sunshine for Women, 2003). Nevertheless, at that point in time, the amendment was defeated with a larger number of votes against it. Unfortunately, this committee did not live very long and was dissolved with the dissolution and reformation of the bill as well. But, the women and Mill’s support did not end here and Mill’s wife along with other women members of the committee succeeded in creating a whole new organization which they named as London National Women’s Suffrage Society (Sunshine for Women, 2003). Mill’s leadership led him to become the honorary president of this very organization. At this moment, this organization needed something in written to disseminate among their members and among the external public. Mill felt a dire need to make his writings public and thus his The Subjection of Women got published and it saw gaining popularity worldwide being translated into a number of languages. Most importantly, this piece of writing was only of its kinds to be present on such a topic until World War 1 (Sunshine for Women, 2003). This step certainly, proved to be a milestone in women’s movement in that era. Subjection Mill’s Subjection remained a limelight for decades whenever women’s movement and feministic approach was talked about. What he wrote in it was women’s persistent low-leveled position which was in a constant struggle to rise. His writings show his sensitivity towards the issue as he talked about the prevalent attitude of the society towards a patriarchal system while subjugating women’s very existence. Subjection also talks about how women’s existence could be kept on exploiting once the society does not follow the norms of equality and justices. The comprehensive book also gets the reputation of advocating how terrible domestic violence is and could prove to be. However, it voices that the right to vote granted to women is only the first step towards a series of obligations that should be followed to treat them as equal beings (Mill, 2003). Conclusion All in all, analyzing John Stuart Mill’s life we can conclude that he got depression and physical ailment at a much younger age, but his intellect was far above those of his contemporary men. He thought and spoke high of women and worked for the feminist movement as much as his health granted him to. References Mill, J. S. (2003). On Liberty and Other Writings. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. Sunshine for Women. (2003, February n. d. ). John Stuart Mill (1806-1873). August 2, 2010, from www. pinn. net

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Big Data

The breadth of center's MEMO inventory that encompasses all wireless phone brands is unmatched in the wireless accessory industry. 1. 2 Executive Summary This document represents the artifacts collected for the Customer Cell Phone Accessories Purchase Project at Accessories Fulfillment Center (AFC) located in Houston, TX. AFC needs to have a program that will engage its customer to get satisfactorily business experience. The purpose of this project is to develop a high level data flow design from the customer entering into the website to the successful purchase. Our mission is to create value.We want to deliver a service where customers can find and discover all cell phone needs that they might want to buy online, and endeavors to offer its customers the lowest possible prices. Every client has their own highly complex fulfillment and logistics challenges and we are here to help increase operating income, leverage return on investment, improve market agility, and achieve higher level s of customer service. We believe that our customer This paper will highlight the data elements needed to support such a program as well as the contracts and sub-entities that come into play.It will focus initially on the interactions required between our customers and systems as well as the methods they may use to make these purchases. Next it will discuss the data elements that deed to be considered in these transactions. We will provide a fully attributed Entity Relationship Diagram (RED) showing the entities, primary and foreign keys, as well as the individual data attributes needed by each entity. We will also cover the contracts held between these entities. A Data Flow Diagram (DVD) will also be provided to depict the flow of data through the systems and the work / processing performed by the system.This will cover the logical design of the system. Finally, we will discuss our decision analysis with a matrix of potential solutions and the final decision we landed on. . 3 Probl em statement Many companies and institutions have lack of designed web based application that can help and offer better service to customers employees and administers. As AFC Houston, it's official site of AFC web Just shows the basic information of the company and the variety of product. If customers need to buy accessories from AFC, they have to drive to AFC or make phone call to AFC. As we can see the AFC web is not customized and ineffectively to increase sale.So the main problem is the company needs an online shopping system in which can show office web information and has unction's such as product lookup, customer registration, product ordering and online payment. With the new system, AFC can create value and offer customer a better shopping experience. 1. 4 Assumption There are two assumptions we assume for establishing AFC online shopping system: 1 . It is common for company to use network technology to digitize system of information management. 2. The customer prefers to us e online shopping system to achieve the purchasing activity.Online Shopping System Requirement Analysis 2. 1 Requirement Definition E-commerce makes our shopping experiences more convenience, fast and versification. AFC online shop system not only needs to have the basic functions of identify the AFC online shopping system flow in Figure 1 . Then we define the functional requirements and non-functional requirements. 3 AFC online shopping system flow 2. 2. 1 Functional Requirement According to the characteristic of AFC online shopping system's basic process, we define some essential components for system function. 1 Only the membership can use the function of shopping cart. Product's information needs a classification to user's search. 3 Shopping cart needs serial number. Members can inquire the order. Considering these components, the main functions of the AFC online shopping system are embodied in the operation of providing, saving, updating and inquiring which include member infor mation management, product information management, shopping cart management, order management and payment method. The figure 2 shows the frame of system function module. 4 System Function Module We can conclude more functional requirement in detail from the diagram above. ) Member Register and Login Before new user puts the products into the cart, the system will guide the user to sign up the new account† part. New user has to fill in the information such as surname, password, Email address, phone number. The existing member then needs to enter the correct surname and password. The system will check the data and authorize the member to log in. B) Modify Member's Information User can modify their registration information after log in which includes surname, c) Administrator User Administrator is a special user; it can manage normal account, classify the products and deal with order. ) Browse the product All the guest and member can browse the products. E) Manage shopping cart A dd products into shopping cart Browse the shopping cart Member can see the list of shopping item includes quantity, serial number, and total price in their own shopping cart. Delete the products Edit the quantity of product Clear the shopping cart f) Order processing System will generate the order after member go to check in shopping cart. The system provide the function of inquire order to members after they complete the purchasing activity. ) Payment Method The system will allow member pay the product by Credit [Debit card payment or Papal. 2. 1. 2 Non-functional requirement a) Operational management The system should run on any PC, tablet Pc, mobile phone which can be connected to internet. MISSES 6 – Final Project The system should always be monitored by one of the administer during it's working time. B) Security No members can access any other member's personal information and purchase record. All the personal information filled in AFC web Just can be seen by registrants himself and the administer who has been authorized.The information should be protected during transmission by Secure Sockets Layer(SSL) software, which encrypts information member input. C) Cultural and Political All content included on AFC site, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons and images is the property of AFC ‘s content suppliers and protected by the United States and international copyright laws. Customer satisfaction is Oaf's goal. All the question and complaint that the system received will be deal within 48 hours. 3. Orders are guaranteed to ship within 1-2 days.The Entity Relationship Diagram helps us better to understand our data stored into the database. Each entity table specified is on the basis of requirements needed to fulfill our Customer Online Shopping System. For instance, Product_Detail entity table represents the information that needs to store for every new product, it can be updated or deleted. Same with Member_Detail entity table, it is requi red to store data for every new customer willing to become member of the company. The Member entity table represents data that is unique for every member of the company, ‘e surname and password.The Cart_lutes entity table represents the number of different products that a customer wants to have in his shopping cart. The Shopping Cart entity table has all the information of various products kept in the cart y the customer. It is nothing but the shopping bag with all the purchase details in it. Payment entity table takes cares of the payment required to make by the customer for the purchase from the company. And 7 Order_Detail table shows the details of the purchase made by the customer.A customer can directly inquire the status of his purchase made from the company. Each attributes in the table includes the details required will be stored each entity. The following is the explanation of primary keys, foreign keys and cardinality of relationship of each entity table: ) Member Pr imary Key: – User_ID User can be of two types, either returning previous customer or guest. Previous customer has their information available in system so they Just need to put their surname and password but for new customer we required to have all the basic information.Therefore, there is relationship between Member and Member Detail. B) Member_Detail Primary Key: – Member_old Foreign Key: – User_old. New customers willing to be member of the company need their data to be entered. There is relationship between Member and Member_Detail and I:M relationship tit product. C) Product_Detail Primary Key: – Product_old All the wears and tears of the product need to be stored in this table. There is I:M relationship with Member and M:N relationship with Cart_lutes. D) Cart_lutes Primary Key: – Correlate_old Foreign Key: – Product_old.Product_Detail. E) Outcroppings Primary Key: – Cart_old Foreign Key: – Member_old, Correlate_old 8 The re is I:M relationship with Cart_lutes table, 1:1 relationship with payment and relationship with Member Detail. This table contains all the details of product that a customer is willing to buy. F) Payment Primary Key: – Payment_old. There would be 1:1 relationship between payment and Cart_late and also after successful verification of the payment, there is 1:1 relationship with the Order_Detail. G) Order_Detail Primary Key: – Order_old.There is 1:1 relationship with the payment and M:l with Member. A member can directly inquire for the status of his purchase with the order_old. The Entity Relationship Diagram for Customer Online Shopping system of Accessory Fulfillment Center is shown below in figure 3. 9 Entity Relationship Diagram Logical design: Process Modeling (DVD) DVD is a graphical representation of the flow of data through an information system. Based on the functional requirement and RED, the processes and entity of AFC online shopping system is clear.We dra w the context diagram and DVD level O diagram for our system. The context diagram defines how the computer system interacts with it's environment. In AFC case, external entities are the customer who will need the various services from the system, and the administration office who will manage and request the reports. The figure 4 shows how AFC online system interacts with guest, member and administer. Context Diagram The level O diagram shows all the processes at the first level of numbering, the data stores, external entities, and data flow among them.We define 3 external entities, 8 processes and 5 data stores. The system data flow starts from the customer browses AFC web and register the membership. Next the customer will choose the product to shopping cart then pay the product which will generate the order. Each order will have a unique number for customer to track the order activities. The number will also help administer to manage the order. Administer is external entities who will do he background work such as manage the membership and deal with the order.The figure 5 and 6 will show each process event and the integrated level O DVD. DVD Fragment 1 Figure 6 Decision Analysis In order to measure how beneficial or practical an information system will be to an organization, we consider conduct feasibility analysis on the AFC online shopping system. The feasibility analysis is an evaluation and analysis of the potential of a proposed project which is based on extensive investigation and research to support the process of decision making. This part will elaborate the feasibility analysis from Big data Data† was only realized after the scanners were multi-dimensional software were made broadly installed. One could say that the data were the available. Twenty-five years ago, Big Data genre- â€Å"exhaust fumes† resulting from the primary use of dated by PUC point-of-sale scanners changed the The scanners to eliminate the costs of price marking face of marketing in the consumer packaged goods Oust as today, Big Data are often defined to be data (CUP) industry by causing marketing spending to that are a by-product of the use of a computer to tilt ominously in favor of price discounts and away solve an operational problem). Cent years, from advertising. Today, real-time digital Big Data generated by From the Analog Audit to Digital Scanning: the Internet offer the ostensible benefits of pro- The Impact on Short-term Marketing Strategies viding consumers with an easy way to find the Before the advent of scanner data, CUP marketers lowest price for any product while also arm ing had to rely on bi-monthly manual audits of stores marketers with dramatically expanded advertising to understand the trends in their brand sales and optimization capabilities. Arrest share at retail (See Figure 1). The data were Marketers would be wise, however, to heed the sessions of history and recognize that for all the not available until six weeks after the end of the bi-month period. Benefits Big Data afford, they also come with per- Then, suddenly, retailers and manufacturers had ‘Is that may not be as readily apparent. Ultimately, timely access to weekly (and even daily) scanner real-time digital Big Data must be used correctly if data.The granularity of these new data clearly they are to have a positive impact on brand health revealed the substantial impact of short-term mar- and improve marketing return on investment (ROI) kiting tactics, including temporary price reductions tooth today and in the future. Supported by newspaper advertisements (which communicated the price) along with prominent in- HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE store merchandising support-?often in the form of How the Availability of Data Has end-aisle displays (See Figure 2).Transformed Markets Though auditing data showed a relatively stable Back in the sass, the motivation for retailers to bi-monthly sales trend, weekly scanner data clearly invest $1 50,000 to equip a typical supermarket with revealed the large and volatile sales increases that PUC scanners was not the value of the data they occurred when newspaper feature advertisements would obtain but rather the cost savings from not announced price reductions and in-store merchant- having to price mark each of the hundreds of thou- dosing support was implemented.Armed with this sands items on stores' shelves. With scanners, it was type of granular information, retailers were able to necessary only to display each SKU (stock-keeping pressure manufacturers for more trade-promotion unit's) price via a sign at the shelf because the check- dollars, and manufacturers-?as a result of the out cash register obtained the price for each undivided- tillers' pressure along with their own desire for all item by looking up the item's PUC code in the a short-term sales lift-?willingly increased their store's PUC/price file as the item was scanned.With this advent of these new data sources, CUP marketing Business often looked quite stable underwent a fundamental marketing shift from advertising to price discounting. Bimonthly Brand Sales 50 Today, software giant SAP GAG reports that the average CUP manufacturer spends fully 67 percent of its marketing budget on trade promotion and 10 percent on direct- $ Millions to-consumer promotions (mainly cents-off coupons), whereas less than 23 percent is 20 spent on branding advertising. With so 10 much being spent on retailer incentives that, in turn, then are used to temporarilyJan-Feb. Mar-Par May-June reduce price, the concern that resonates July-Gauge through the industry i s that brand equity Figurer Market Information in CUP Before Scanners: Brand Sales Measured by Bimonthly Manual Store Audits is being eroded as consumers become â€Å"trained† to buy on the basis of price discounts alone. That's an unhealthy situation for any brand. Big Data in the Digital World: but weekly scanner data revealed to retailers and manufacturers the huge short- term impact of trade promotions. 70 % Volume Sold (Newspaper/Display/Price Discount) Dollar Sales -10 Jan 12 Jan 19 Jan 26 Big data Data† was only realized after the scanners were multi-dimensional software were made broadly installed. One could say that the data were the available. Twenty-five years ago, Big Data genre- â€Å"exhaust fumes† resulting from the primary use of dated by PUC point-of-sale scanners changed the The scanners to eliminate the costs of price marking face of marketing in the consumer packaged goods Oust as today, Big Data are often defined to be data (CUP) industry by causing marketing spending to that are a by-product of the use of a computer to tilt ominously in favor of price discounts and away solve an operational problem). Cent years, from advertising. Today, real-time digital Big Data generated by From the Analog Audit to Digital Scanning: the Internet offer the ostensible benefits of pro- The Impact on Short-term Marketing Strategies viding consumers with an easy way to find the Before the advent of scanner data, CUP marketers lowest price for any product while also arm ing had to rely on bi-monthly manual audits of stores marketers with dramatically expanded advertising to understand the trends in their brand sales and optimization capabilities. Arrest share at retail (See Figure 1). The data were Marketers would be wise, however, to heed the sessions of history and recognize that for all the not available until six weeks after the end of the bi-month period. Benefits Big Data afford, they also come with per- Then, suddenly, retailers and manufacturers had ‘Is that may not be as readily apparent. Ultimately, timely access to weekly (and even daily) scanner real-time digital Big Data must be used correctly if data.The granularity of these new data clearly they are to have a positive impact on brand health revealed the substantial impact of short-term mar- and improve marketing return on investment (ROI) kiting tactics, including temporary price reductions tooth today and in the future. Supported by newspaper advertisements (which communicated the price) along with prominent in- HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE store merchandising support-?often in the form of How the Availability of Data Has end-aisle displays (See Figure 2).Transformed Markets Though auditing data showed a relatively stable Back in the sass, the motivation for retailers to bi-monthly sales trend, weekly scanner data clearly invest $1 50,000 to equip a typical supermarket with revealed the large and volatile sales increases that PUC scanners was not the value of the data they occurred when newspaper feature advertisements would obtain but rather the cost savings from not announced price reductions and in-store merchant- having to price mark each of the hundreds of thou- dosing support was implemented.Armed with this sands items on stores' shelves. With scanners, it was type of granular information, retailers were able to necessary only to display each SKU (stock-keeping pressure manufacturers for more trade-promotion unit's) price via a sign at the shelf because the check- dollars, and manufacturers-?as a result of the out cash register obtained the price for each undivided- tillers' pressure along with their own desire for all item by looking up the item's PUC code in the a short-term sales lift-?willingly increased their store's PUC/price file as the item was scanned.With this advent of these new data sources, CUP marketing Business often looked quite stable underwent a fundamental marketing shift from advertising to price discounting. Bimonthly Brand Sales 50 Today, software giant SAP GAG reports that the average CUP manufacturer spends fully 67 percent of its marketing budget on trade promotion and 10 percent on direct- $ Millions to-consumer promotions (mainly cents-off coupons), whereas less than 23 percent is 20 spent on branding advertising. With so 10 much being spent on retailer incentives that, in turn, then are used to temporarilyJan-Feb. Mar-Par May-June reduce price, the concern that resonates July-Gauge through the industry i s that brand equity Figurer Market Information in CUP Before Scanners: Brand Sales Measured by Bimonthly Manual Store Audits is being eroded as consumers become â€Å"trained† to buy on the basis of price discounts alone. That's an unhealthy situation for any brand. Big Data in the Digital World: but weekly scanner data revealed to retailers and manufacturers the huge short- term impact of trade promotions. 70 % Volume Sold (Newspaper/Display/Price Discount) Dollar Sales -10 Jan 12 Jan 19 Jan 26

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Music v.s the people Essays

Music v.s the people Essays Music v.s the people Essay Music v.s the people Essay People V. S Electronic Dance Music Electronic Dance Music, more often referred as EDM, is a selective genre of music, which centers in Trance, House, Progressive and Techno, its audience being among ages 11 to 25. Focusing in the art ofa DJ performing a continuous DJ set, progressing from one record to the next. Since early 1980s it has been popularizing more and more from time to time, becoming now, one of the biggest music genres in the world. From what it was being bedroom DJs and only getting booked to play at an underground rave or club has gone to performing at massive festivals, among ames like, Ultra in Miami, Tomorrowland in Belgium, Electric Daisy Carnival in Las Vegas, Global Dance Festival at Red Rocks in Colorado, and many other thousands of festivals specializing in this specific sound. EDM has now become a worldwide phenomenon, gone mainstream, from DJs/Producers being popularly known, like David Guetta, The Chemical Brothers, Armin Van Buuren and Swedish House Mafia. Many different times, this subject has been related unjustly to Drugs like Ecstacy, MDMA, etc But it is not until now that many people look at this phenomenon as a bad hobby. In 2010, Insomniacs 14th annual Electric Daisy Carnival took place at Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum with more than 185,000 of attendees during weekend. The festival drew criticism due toa 15 year old attendee who snuck into the 16 and up festival, and died of an overdose in the grounds. Local authorities took the unfortunate accident blaming EDM, drugs and everything involving the genre. EDC was then moved to Las Vegas, Nevada in its next installment. This outcome, came to a lot of other people (mostly parents) attentions, whome now seem to be concerned over their children who regularly attend dance music events. Many authorities officials across the United States, have tried banning events involving EDM, but have ailed miserably, still ignoring all the positive things these events have to offer. Many cities across the United States have become huge in the EDM business, and not only increasing in size the attendees whom promoters attract, but has also made a great impact on economy. In 2011, EDC was moved to Las Vegas Motor Speedway in Nevada, leaving an incredible outcome. According to an economic impact report by Beacon Economics, EDC pumped more than $136 million into the Clark County economy after more than 300,200 of attendees through the gates of the annual event. Also, equivalent of 1,400 full-time Jobs, bringing in $55. million in income for workers in Clark County. In 2011, Insomniac donated $75,000 from proceeds of the first EDC held in Las Vegas. Topping that today, $115,000 was presented to five different beneficiaries. As EDM events, formerly known as Raves, keep escalating, and one wont doubt this can get even bigger than it already is. This Just being a fact that estates how EDM benefits this world. Surpassing anything that had attacked these significants events, one would think this had stopped, but unfortunately this wasnt the case. On February 6th 2013, An article on raves made it to Los Angeles Times Front-Page story. Minutes after it was posted, promoters, organizers, EDM goers and pioneers of the topic, had gone mad viral against the story being published. Los Angeles Times attacked event organizers and promotion company, Insomniac, after publishing a story on drugs being sold at their events, defaming their prestige as company, it, being their only purpose. As if this wasnt enough, days before another article was written by Rong-Gong Lin II, Paul Pringle and Andrew Blankstein, Los Angeles Times, this time defaming the EDM scene in general, setting in bold, drug use as the main purpose. Popular known DJ/Producer, Kaskade, wrote an article in response to Los Angeles Times stories, explaning his following quote; they painted a picture of Ecstasy-fueled underground raves, bumped up into the mainstream, leaving a trail of dead, drug-addled kids being picked up by the coroners wagon rolling down desert roads. There are indeed some things that are wrong in the EDM scene, substance abuse being one of them, but perhaps, the real issue here, is drug use among teenagers. Defending with honor his music, sound and scene, Kaskade was serious about the topic, pointing out the growth of EDM throughout the years, eing it inevitable that with thousands of event goers, something can indeed go awry. In my own words, why blame EDM? Is like blaming a certai n kind of food topped with hot sauce, getting a stomach pain and blaming food instead of the hot sauce. His last statement, is surfing throughout the internet, being re-blogged by his fans and even fellow colleagues. Know this: as far as a music culture goes, EDM is the one who will accept the kids on the outliers, the ones who get bullied, the ones who feel like they may not quite fit in. This community is exceptional in its ability to bond all types ogether, and I am not exaggerating when I say it saves lives. Our audience is intelligent and kind, discriminating only in regards to which sound they like best. Our audience is unprecedented in their drive to proactively support each other. Electronic Dance Music, is Just not a general genre, is a universal language uniting millions of people around the world, leaving more positives than negatives. The hatreds might never stop, and will for sure continue to be confused for what is not. Drug abuse will continue even if raves or EDM go away. Since people dont see it, we ave a bigger issue going on, but theyre too blind to see it, and are looking to blame and throw dirt at something so beautiful and sane. Illegal substances will be and are everywhere, even in our own backyards, and criticizing ones scene will only cause to become underground again. Imagine a world were youngins are self-forced to party, per say, at an underground and illegal warehouse with no security and no one that knows about it, but them. Drugs well indeed be there, but in the atmosphere we live today it cannot be confused for what it used to be, and defending our EDM scene will end in something as positive as Saving Lives

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Advertisings Affect on Kids

The effects of 2 People see advertisements all around the globe that attempt to lure consumers to buy products. Advertisements are placed in newspapers, magazines, schools, and on billboards everywhere. According to marketing consultants Stan Rapp and Tom Collins, on a typical day, an average American sees over 5,000 advertisements a day (Gay, 1992). Many questions arise about these advertisements, such as â€Å"Is advertising deceptive? Does it create or perpetuate stereotypes? Does it create conformity? Does it create insecurity in order to sell goods? Does it cause people to buy things that they really don’t need?†(Alexander & Hanson, 1993, p. 240). Advertisers use specific methods to target teen consumers, but these methods are not always successful or ethical. Advertising is giving the general public information about new goods and trying to increase overall sales, which increases the efficiency of the nation’s economy. It is supposed to be a significant way of getting the point across about a product and create motivation for people to buy. Advertising alone, however, does not get customers. It simply catches consumers’ attention, gets them to walk up to a shelf, and make an impulsive purchase. However, getting the customer back requires a more creative marketing approach. There are several ways to research consumers’ behaviors, likes, and dislikes. The most popular method is tests and surveys, both before and after a product is introduced. Telephone surveys are very common, but they take several thousand calls to get a substantial number of responses to work with. Along with those, written questionnaires and samples, either handed out in stores or sent by mail, are effective tests to see if consumers like a product or not. The reactions to the samples, results of questionnaires, and number of participants are all recorded as The effects of 3 a part of the researching process to come up with effective ads. All of this da ta ... Free Essays on Advertising's Affect on Kids Free Essays on Advertising's Affect on Kids The effects of 2 People see advertisements all around the globe that attempt to lure consumers to buy products. Advertisements are placed in newspapers, magazines, schools, and on billboards everywhere. According to marketing consultants Stan Rapp and Tom Collins, on a typical day, an average American sees over 5,000 advertisements a day (Gay, 1992). Many questions arise about these advertisements, such as â€Å"Is advertising deceptive? Does it create or perpetuate stereotypes? Does it create conformity? Does it create insecurity in order to sell goods? Does it cause people to buy things that they really don’t need?†(Alexander & Hanson, 1993, p. 240). Advertisers use specific methods to target teen consumers, but these methods are not always successful or ethical. Advertising is giving the general public information about new goods and trying to increase overall sales, which increases the efficiency of the nation’s economy. It is supposed to be a significant way of getting the point across about a product and create motivation for people to buy. Advertising alone, however, does not get customers. It simply catches consumers’ attention, gets them to walk up to a shelf, and make an impulsive purchase. However, getting the customer back requires a more creative marketing approach. There are several ways to research consumers’ behaviors, likes, and dislikes. The most popular method is tests and surveys, both before and after a product is introduced. Telephone surveys are very common, but they take several thousand calls to get a substantial number of responses to work with. Along with those, written questionnaires and samples, either handed out in stores or sent by mail, are effective tests to see if consumers like a product or not. The reactions to the samples, results of questionnaires, and number of participants are all recorded as The effects of 3 a part of the researching process to come up with effective ads. All of this da ta ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

An Introduction to Socioeconomic Status

An Introduction to Socioeconomic Status Socioeconomic status (SES) is a term used by sociologists, economists, and other social scientists to describe the class standing of an individual  or group. It is measured by a number of factors, including income, occupation, and education, and it can have either a positive or negative impact on a persons life.   Who Uses SES? Socioeconomic data is gathered and analyzed by a wide range of organizations and institutions. Federal, state, and local governments all use such data to determine everything from tax rates to political representation. The U.S. Census is one of the best-known means of collecting SES data. Nongovernmental organizations and institutions like the Pew Research Center also collect and analyze such data, as do private companies like Google. But in general, when SES is discussed, its in the context of social science. Primary Factors There are three main factors that social scientists use to calculate socioeconomic status: Income: This is how much a person earns, including wages and salaries, as well as other forms of income such as investments and savings. The definition of income is sometimes expanded to include inherited wealth and intangible assets as well.Education: A persons level of education has a direct impact on their earning ability, with higher earning power leading to more educational opportunities that in turn increase future income potential.Occupation: This factor is more difficult to assess because of its subjective nature. White-collar professions that require a high degree of skilled training, such as physicians or lawyers, tend to require more education and thus return more income than many blue-collar jobs. This data is used to determine the level of ones SES, usually classified as low, middle, and high. But a persons true socioeconomic status doesnt necessarily reflect how a person sees him or herself. Although most Americans would describe themselves as middle class, regardless of their actual income, data from the Pew Research Center shows that only about half of all Americans are truly middle class. Impact The SES of an individual or group can have a profound influence on peoples lives. Researchers have pinpointed several factors that can be affected, including: Physical health: Communities with low socioeconomic status in the U.S. have higher rates of infant mortality, obesity, and cardiovascular health issues.  Mental health: Along with poor physical health, communities with low SES report more cases of depression, suicide, drug abuse, behavioral and developmental issues.General health and welfare: Along with the impact on an individuals well being, socioeconomic status can also have an impact on communities, including rates of crime and poverty. Oftentimes, communities of racial and ethnic minorities in the U.S. feel the effects of low socioeconomic status most directly. People who have physical or mental disabilities, as well as the elderly, are also particularly vulnerable populations. Resources and Further Reading Children, Youth, Families and Socioeconomic Status.  American Psychological Association. Accessed 22 Nov. 2017. Fry, Richard, and Kochhar, Rakesh. Are You in the American Middle Class? Find Out with Our Income Calculator. 11 May 2016. Tepper, Fabien. What is Your Social Class? Take Our Quiz to Find Out! The Christian Science Monitor. 17 Oct. 2013.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Global Expansion Strategy of Australian Hotel Chain Essay

The Global Expansion Strategy of Australian Hotel Chain - Essay Example The rapid developments and technological advancements in the last 3 decades have resulted in globalisation, universalisation and internationalisation of this world. Indeed, the advent of the internet, infrastructural development and transportation have contributed significantly in dissemination of information, open communication and socialization worldwide. Nevertheless, the reduction of trade barriers and constrictions (such as quotas, tariffs, custom duties etc.) have not only resulted in growth of international trade but also raised the standard of living across the globe. The free trade agreements (NAFTA, SAFTA), eradication of quota system (WTO and GATT) and minimisation of duties are some of the major steps that provided new investment and business opportunities to enterprises. For instance, the ease of communication and construction of secure and reliable transportation networks provide firms an opportunity to expand in global markets and enhance their business volume and mone tary profits. It should be highlighted that Australia is considered as a developed nation, with individualistic culture and values, among international community because of its phenomenal economic growth in last few decades. It’s highly developed secondary (industrial and manufacturing) and tertiary (services) sectors have contributed in nation’s economic prosperity and well – being. Nevertheless, the Per Capita Income in Australia is between the range $38,000 – 39000, which shows that Australia is among the rich nations worldwide.

Criminal Justice - Homicide Studies Research Paper

Criminal Justice - Homicide Studies - Research Paper Example Report on the Ethics Committee, 2010 The Ethics Committee reports regularly to the American Psychological Association. In its report of 2010 the committee has address the topics pertaining to the ethical issues such as psychologist consulting to reality TV programs, psychotherapy, issues related to psychologist, giving psychological treatment over the internet, etc. In 2010 the Ethics Committee responded to majority of the requests received by the office and attended 46 workshops and discussions on national and international level throughout the year. The responsibilities of Ethics Committee includes to consider the individual cases, cases of the state licensing board or court and finally those which result from committee’s own initiative after getting information from the public. The Ethics Committee starts its working when it receives an inquiry letter from an individual. The show case process starts with a notice from the state licensure board. Then the preliminary investig ations are made to decide whether the case should be closed or it should proceed to the level of formal case. These investigations provide detail information about complain. Formal cases are opened if the responded proved to be charged for ethical violation. The cases pertaining to ethics which meet the threshold criteria are then referred for resolution. The sanctions described in Rules and Procedures (APA, Ethics Committee, 2002) includes that the individuals should be terminated from the APA membership or they should be reprimanded or censured. In the cases reviewed by the committee in 2010 no reprimands were made, there were two cases of censure and five cases of loss of membership. Crime and Delinquency The American population is exposed to pictures of crime and delinquency through all the digital devices and social media which results in fear and affect the attitude of the people and their voting habits. Politicians are using crime and delinquency in their policy agendas to at tract people to vote for them. The relationship between crime, delinquency and political science is determined by deterrence theory, conflict theory, labeling theory and radical theory. All of these are related to the main topic because they are considered important by the political science, crime and delinquency scholars and the theories include the analysis of government and political institutions. The theories are useful in explaining the government and political processes about the criminal acts. After selecting the theories further research articles were obtained from J-store sociological database on the basis of contemporary theoretical trends and past development of the tactic. The results showed that the societal fears gives rise to criminal acts and ultimately ends on criminal punishment. Deterrence theory suggests that the criminals should be punished publically so that it discourages the public to involve in such activities. Conflict theory suggests that criminal acts hav e their roots in the instability between political and social groups. According to the labeling theorist the criminals should be labeled negatively but this negative label can encourage the criminals to act in the same way in future as well. Historical records have shown that the labeling

Friday, October 18, 2019

Sony Playstation Security Breach Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Sony Playstation Security Breach - Essay Example Only a single vulnerability is needed for hackers to exploit and put an entire database at risk. In order to avoid such vulnerabilities, database developers and application developers must dance to the same tune. Sony’s data center in San Diego, CA was hacked into on April 19, 2011. The hackers had gained access of customers’ data through Sony’s PlayStation Network servers. This attack on Sony is said to be the largest personal data heist in history with reports estimating that around 77 million Qriocity and PSN users’ accounts and 24.5 million Sony Online Entertainment user accounts were affected. (Better Business Bureau, 2011). Strange activities had been detected by Sony Corporation on their network system. They noticed unauthorized access of the company’s servers. A day after the attack, Sony decided to power down the affected systems and delayed restoration of the PSN services for users in the U.S until May 14. Users were later on required to change their usernames and passwords as an additional way of curbing further attacks. Since the attackers had exploited Sony’s website via its URL, they were thus forced to disable the page temporarily because attackers exploited the URL of Sony’s website (The Sydney Morning Herald, 2011). Unfortunately, this was not the last attack. A series of attacks on Sony’s Online Entertainment services and the PSN were later on executed during the same period. These attacks were carried out on; Sony BMG Greece, Sony BMG Japan, So-Net ISP in Japan, and servers of Sony in Thailand (McMillan, 2011). It was estimated that the personal information of 77 million Qriocity and PSN users, and 24.5 million online entertainment users was stolen. The attackers rummaged through a wealth of information concerning the users and their attributes such as names of users, their addresses, email addresses, and birth dates. Attackers also approached the login information of users such as

Project Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Project Research - Essay Example Here we will analyze respective ratios like Profitability ratio, asset management ratio, Debt management ratio and Leverage ratio to understand the financial position and performance of the company. Profitability Ratio can be defined as financial a tool which is used to justify a company’s ability to generate revenue. Profitability of Emirates Insurance Company has decreased over the years as the ROE, gross profit margin and net profit margin of the company has declined in 2012 as compared to 2011. Liquidity ratio measures the firm’s ability to fulfill its short term requirements which defines the firm’s capacity to pay off the current liabilities as and when needed. The company does not have enough liquid cash ready in its hand and it needs to improve its liquidity position. Asset management ratio can be defined as the relationship between sales and assets. The company is efficient in managing its assets except its payables turnover ratio. Debt management ratio measures the ability of the company to reduce the risk of financial problems in long run. The financial leverage of the company is higher on 2012. Thus it can be concluded that the company is having average position in the market and it should improve its sales to generate more profitability in future. Introduction Emirates Insurance Company was established in the year 1982 in Abu Dhabi, UAE. It has total assets of more than AED 1.5 billion and its gross written premium for 2012 was AED 650 million. The company operates over 20 locations in UAE. Emirates Insurance Company offers a wide range of insurance related products and services to serve its various customers like corporate, business organization, other financial institution and individuals. The company provides different insurance benefits like Hotel Block Insurance, Jeweler’s Block Insurance, and office comprehensive insurance. Under corporate insurance it provides General Third Party Liability Insurance, Workmenâ€⠄¢s Compensation Insurance, Fidelity Guarantee Insurance and loss of money insurance. The company also has a policy of covering money loss if it occurs during the money is in locker or money loss in the company premises during business hours or in transit between bank and office premises. Oil and Energy team of Emirates insurance Company offers various services to its clients in the world and it focuses on the risk related to oil and gas. It has a wide range of insurance products like Motor Insurance, Marine Hull Insurance, Medical Insurance, Third party general insurance, Aviation insurance, Banker’s Blanket Bond Insurance, Cargo Insurance, fidelity Guarantee Insurance and Life Insurance. Here we will analyze respective ratios like Profitability ratio, asset management ratio, Debt management ratio and Leverage ratio to understand the financial position and performance of the company. Ratio Analysis Ratio analysis states the systematic analysis of the financial statement of a company to understand and interpret its performance and financial positions for a particular period of time. Ratio analysis can be compared

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Fanning the Flame at Tiblana Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Fanning the Flame at Tiblana - Case Study Example As a result, there is a looming threat of current or potential customers perceiving the company as insensitive to clients’ complaints, if it ignores the customer’s online complaints. I should immediately begin monitoring and be responding to the customer’s criticism appropriately. I must rush to my organization’s online sites and social media platforms to convince followers and clients that Tiblana will always remain a thought leader among its customers when it comes to quality candles. I will not forget embracing business and professional review websites like Yelp and Angie’s List to respond to reviews about Tiblana. According to Dennis, all responses in an online platform will always be professional and intended to both mitigate the reputational damage and appease the customer (19). As much as my invaluable asset as a social media manager is time, a company’s reputation is its most crucial asset (Dennis 15). Damage to its image among the customers may result in a massive loss of customers, revenue, investors, and employees. Thus, the risk of reputation is something that a company can no longer ignore. The proliferation of social media platforms has heightened these concerns. Tiblana’s reputation can be ruined in a matter of minutes. It is because more disgruntled customers and competitors join the complaining customer to broadcast defamatory information, often under anonymity. If I fail to spend time in counteracting the information, they will instantly be accepted to be true worldwide. In my addressing and researching the customer’s issue and social media impact, I should involve the personnel of the company. The entire sales and marketing department and staff need to know the matter to enable them to boost their marketing strategies against competitors and false accusations. I also need to notify the technical and production department personnel that manufactured the specific batch.

Developing Professional Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Developing Professional Practice - Essay Example The new large scale retailers took three forms: department stores, co-operative societies and multiple chains (Jenkins, Johnson and Watson, 1997, p.1). It is estimated to boost in size by 15% in the next five years. UK retail industry contributes towards the 8% of the UK’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which involves mounting success of UK retailers overseas and the growth of e-commerce which accomplishes far beyond borders of United Kingdom. It also accounted for 4.5 million part-time and full-time equivalent jobs (Hillingdon, 2012, p.1). Hypermarkets like Asda and Tesco are proficient to capture wide customer base due to their diversified offerings. Along with Asda and Tesco, Morrison and Sainsbury’s also accounted for a market share of more than 80% of retail food sales in the United Kingdom. Travis Perkins Plc operates as a builder’s merchant and home improvement retailer in the United Kingdom. It is a leading company in the builders’ merchant and home improvement markets and is the largest supplier of building materials in the United Kingdom. ... This report will focus on the core structural elements of the retail industry and the main challenges currently facing by the retail industry in the United Kingdom. Core Structural Elements The core structural element of the Retail industry in the United Kingdom comprises of the key players who have captured a broad customer base because of their diversified offerings. To name a few, these were Tesco, Asda, Travis Perkins plc, J Sainsbury plc, Co-operative Group Ltd, Marks & Spencer Group plc and HMV Group plc. There are also recent developments experienced in the retail industry and because of such developments the UK retailers are considered to be the largest retailers in the world. Key Stakeholders In United Kingdom, the key players in the retail sector were Tesco plc, Asda, Travis Perkins plc, J Sainsbury plc, Co-operative Group Ltd, Marks & Spencer Group plc and HMV Group plc. Tesco plc is an international supermarket chain based in United Kingdom. It has acquired first position in UK retail market. The core purpose of the company is to create value for the customers in order to receive their lifetime loyalty. It is the largest British retailer by both domestic market share and global sales. The main product of the company includes financial services, groceries, life insurance and telecom. Their strategies involve looking after employees of the company so that they can serve the customers in a better way. It accounts for 42.8 billion pounds in terms of revenue and 2,480 million pound in terms of trading profit (Annual Report, 2012, p.1). Travis Perkins plc operates as a builder’s merchant and home improvement retailer in the United Kingdom. The purpose for the existence of Travis Perkins is to create wealth for the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Fanning the Flame at Tiblana Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Fanning the Flame at Tiblana - Case Study Example As a result, there is a looming threat of current or potential customers perceiving the company as insensitive to clients’ complaints, if it ignores the customer’s online complaints. I should immediately begin monitoring and be responding to the customer’s criticism appropriately. I must rush to my organization’s online sites and social media platforms to convince followers and clients that Tiblana will always remain a thought leader among its customers when it comes to quality candles. I will not forget embracing business and professional review websites like Yelp and Angie’s List to respond to reviews about Tiblana. According to Dennis, all responses in an online platform will always be professional and intended to both mitigate the reputational damage and appease the customer (19). As much as my invaluable asset as a social media manager is time, a company’s reputation is its most crucial asset (Dennis 15). Damage to its image among the customers may result in a massive loss of customers, revenue, investors, and employees. Thus, the risk of reputation is something that a company can no longer ignore. The proliferation of social media platforms has heightened these concerns. Tiblana’s reputation can be ruined in a matter of minutes. It is because more disgruntled customers and competitors join the complaining customer to broadcast defamatory information, often under anonymity. If I fail to spend time in counteracting the information, they will instantly be accepted to be true worldwide. In my addressing and researching the customer’s issue and social media impact, I should involve the personnel of the company. The entire sales and marketing department and staff need to know the matter to enable them to boost their marketing strategies against competitors and false accusations. I also need to notify the technical and production department personnel that manufactured the specific batch.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Cloning Brachyury from SW480 in pNEB193 plasmid Essay - 3

Cloning Brachyury from SW480 in pNEB193 plasmid - Essay Example igure 2: The total RNA was extracted from SW480 cells by use of Norgen’s Total RNA Purification Kit, the samples were then denatured in rapid Formalin – free RNA loading buffer which had Formalin – Free RNA dye. They were then incubated for 5 minutes at a temperature of 700C. Lane number one was filled with RNA ladder 5 ÃŽ ¼L. The lanes from number 2 to 20 contained 10 ÃŽ ¼L of each of the class samples. The image capture was then done using GelDocEZ system. 3-Table 1: The concentration and purity of the total extracted RNA from the SW480 cells for the sample H was is shown in table 1. The resulting concentration of RNA was 82.88 ng/ul. An RQI of 7.3 indicated that the RNA quality was accepted. The ratio (28S/18S) was 0.93 though the recommended ratio is 2 The plasmid preparation experiment was undertaken before the start of the RNA extraction. The purpose of this experiment was to purify enough linearized phosphatise treated pNEB183 plasmid to be utilised in the ligation reaction. This purification was attained through several steps that started with the purification of the inoculated plasmid from E.coli culture in LB/ampilicin broth. Using Qubit analysis, the concentration of the purified plasmid was calculated to be 5.1 ul. The EcoR1 enzyme was then utilised to digest the circular plasmid into a linear plasmid which was then treated using alkaline phosphatise enzyme to remove the 5’ phosphate group and hinder self – ligation. The sample was then loaded on 0.8% agarose gel so as to visualize and purify the linearized plasmid from the gel by use of purification method as shown in figure 5: In figure 5, two bands were clearly seen in the second lane. The first band was an uncut plasmid. The second band was a linear plasmid. Adequate preparation took place as the linear plasmid could migrate longer on the gel. The second band was bright and shiny. It was 2797 bps in length. It also contained ...ul/mg concentration of plasmid. Using x tracta Gel Extraction

Monday, October 14, 2019

Martin Luther King Jr. and Henry Thoreau Debate Essay Example for Free

Martin Luther King Jr. and Henry Thoreau Debate Essay Fight For What is Right A cold, snowy winter night in Birmingham, Alabama: one of those nights where you would rather stay inside and sit by a fire while sipping on a cup of hot chocolate. Not everyone is doing that though, for many people walk in the cold all bundled up. Some of the more unfortunate ones stay stranded outside in the freezing weather with not nearly enough layers to keep them warm. In Birmingham, a lot of these people consist of African Americans who cannot afford somewhere to keep warm or are Just simply denied a place to stay based on their skin color. In this day and age, segregation exists between whites and blacks. A huge issue nationwide, but when it comes to Birmingham everything is taken to a new level. To ensure the separation of whites and blacks, you can see plenty of racial signs and other such tactics used by the city. Although between King and Thoreau, none of these resemble an issue; they both could stay warm under their nice winter Jackets, both had a place to go back home to and more importantly, one was a white man and the other a black man. Henry David Thoreau and Martin Luther King Jr. both made themselves very well known and idolized by many. They knew each other through a mutual friend but came into contact when they ran into one another here in Birmingham. The segregation in Birmingham continues to get out of control with constant bombings and killings of African American citizens, causing certain groups to want to take action towards reform in Birmingham. The group known as the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights called upon King to help lead them in non-violent reform, while Thoreau made his trip here to witness the reforms. Thoreaus time of non-violent reform came about years before King even began to participate. King actually learned Just about everything from Thoreaus writing, but Thoreau has no sense of that at this very moment. What King learned from Thoreau, he put to use more than Thoreau ever did. Right now the two men share the same non-violent beliefs and want to spread the word in their own separate ways. As the two men walk down the street they engage in friendly small talk. But then they come across a black couple denied entry into a restaurant. Both men look at ach other in disgust. They have seen it happen hundreds of times, but each time they see it, they have the same disgustful reaction. After what they Just witnessed, the two men started to state their opinions to each other on why they see this type of policy as a disgrace. Henry Thoreau spoke first with a scornful tone in his voice on how he cannot respect his government for allowing instances like these to occur. He continues speaking, l cannot for an instant recognize that political organization as my government which is the slaves government also (180). In response, King expresses to Thoreau, that you cannot put the entire blame on the government even though they could change the laws involving segregation. But would that change how the white majority feels, especially in southern states. Those people grew up witn certain opinions ot Atrican Americans. King goes on with another strong statement, saying Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly (214). With this statement, King tries to tell Thoreau that if they cannot change how people think, then segregation will not change either. After uttering such words, King goes quiet, neither one of them saying anything to each other. Both continue walking with their eyes facing forward, trying to fgure out what they are going to say next. After a few minutes of walking in the freezing cold with a light flurry of snow, the silence is broken. King ends this when he asks Thoreau how he plans on making a difference for racism and segregation. Thoreau does not respond right away, giving King the opportunity to answer his own question: Henry, we need to make a difference here in Birmingham. If we do something here then it ay affect the whole nation. And we need to do it in a non-violent manner. He continues, In any non-violent campaign there are four basic steps: collection of facts to determine whether injustices exist; negotiation; self-purification; and direct action (215). King believes that these steps will lead them to a successful reform against segregation. Thoreau agrees with King that they should reform in a non-violent way, but questions who will Join him. He immediately states, They continue enjoying each others company, but ever since their heated discussions the two have not said one word or even batted an eye towards the other. They arrive at the footsteps of Martin Luther King Jr. s apartment where he says one final comment to end the night, Henry, we have a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws (218). We are nere tor a reason; and that reason involves making a ditterence. So tomorrow lets get everyone in town together and move forward with this reform. Thoreau ooks at King with a blank face and continues his way. With his incomparable leadership ability, King leads a reform the next day in Birmingham. The reform in Birmingham took place in 1963, and was led by Martin Luther King Jr.. This action brought attention to the integration efforts in the city, and during these nonviolent riots the citys police brought out dogs which attacked the civilians. They would also spray the people with high powered water hoses. But the reform actions demonstrated led to the government changing the city of Birminghams discrimination laws.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Odysseus: Epic Hero? :: Free Essay Writer

Odysseus: Epic Hero? The question has been raised as to whether or not Odysseus, the hero of Homers The Odyssey, is an epic hero. An epic Hero portrays many classic properties, including being very strong and courageous. Odysseus is an epic hero, because he portrays many of these and other traits, such as having a goal that is foremost in his mind, and having descended into the underworld. An epic hero is almost overwhelmed with difficulty, often beyond that which a normal man could withstand. Not only is he confronted occasionally by danger or hopelessness; it is the entire premise of the poem. â€Å"Sing to me of the man, Muse, the man of twists and turns driven time and again off course, once he had plundered the hallowed heights of Troy† (Fagles 77). This it the first line of the whole poem, summing up what is going to happen as the speaker prays to the Muses, goddesses of stories. There is in fact, no other person, fictional or otherwise, in all of history, ever so besieged with difficulty, as Odysseus. Women and goddesses often tempt epic heroes, and Odysseus is tempted too. The goddess Circe is one of the many people who tempt him, â€Å"Come, sheath your sword, lets go to bed together, mount my bed and mix in the magic work of love-we’ll breed deep trust between us† (Fagles 240). Though Odysseus does bed with her, he never loses sight of hi s hope of coming home to his wife, Penelope. A female character always aids an epic hero, and Odysseus is no exception. Near the end of his travels, Athena feels sorry for him and decides to assist him and let him go home, and once he arrives, she helps him kill the suitors that plague his house. â€Å"That left the great Odysseus waiting in his hall as Athena helped him plot the slaughter of the suitors† (Fagles 390). Not only is this assistance by a woman, and a sure sign of an epic hero, but also a goddess assists him, and only those worthy enough can be helped by the Immortal. Odysseus is also aided and told how to get home by the Goddess Circe. â€Å"You must travel down to the House Of The Dead and the awesome one, Persephone, there to consult the ghost of Tiresias, seer of Thebes† (Fagles 245). This is the same person who tried to tempt him, but she realizes he wont stay and decides to help him instead.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay --

The United States of America has been ranked 12 according to the United Nation’s 2008 human development index report in committing towards education by public spending. According the U.S. Department of Education, the federal, state and local governments had spent a total of 786.8 billion dollars in 2006 on education and it is estimated that in the year 2008, about 837.7 billion dollars has been spent. In the school year of 2004-2005, the average expenditure per student was $8700. In an average class of 23, the annual cost to run a class room comes out to be $200,100. It is clear from the statistics that education is expensive in the U.S. Beside all these government spending, it is still the fact that the public education in the U.S. is worse than some of the developing countries. As Anya Kamenetz says in â€Å"DIY U: Edupunks, Edupreneurs, and the Coming Transformation of Higher Education† that we produce intellectuals that don’t know the difference between a country and a continent or they don’t know the names of the heads of the key countries. However, the school board, teachers, and pa... Essay -- The United States of America has been ranked 12 according to the United Nation’s 2008 human development index report in committing towards education by public spending. According the U.S. Department of Education, the federal, state and local governments had spent a total of 786.8 billion dollars in 2006 on education and it is estimated that in the year 2008, about 837.7 billion dollars has been spent. In the school year of 2004-2005, the average expenditure per student was $8700. In an average class of 23, the annual cost to run a class room comes out to be $200,100. It is clear from the statistics that education is expensive in the U.S. Beside all these government spending, it is still the fact that the public education in the U.S. is worse than some of the developing countries. As Anya Kamenetz says in â€Å"DIY U: Edupunks, Edupreneurs, and the Coming Transformation of Higher Education† that we produce intellectuals that don’t know the difference between a country and a continent or they don’t know the names of the heads of the key countries. However, the school board, teachers, and pa...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Fundamental Principle of Arbitration Essay

In other word, arbitration is the outcome of a private agreement between parties to settle their disputes from the courts, and submit it to the decision of a private tribunal. If the principle of privacy is breached, the arbitration will be effected. The second principle is confidentiality. It is when that all takes place at arbitration is confidential. Either party or tribunal cannot disclose to third person without the consent of the other except for the purpose of the proper conduct of the arbitration. However, there is a question regarding to these two principles which is whether privacy automatically results in confidentiality or does it automatically demand confidentiality. There are two main areas of confidentiality which are confidentiality prior to award and confidentiality after award. According to English law, there are two opinions regarding with this issue. First, if it was absence of an express term in an arbitration clause providing for confidentiality, the presumption of confidentiality will applies. Second, the general duty of confidentiality cannot be implied in a silent clause for arbitration in an agreement. However, this opinion has been criticized since it is a break with the general principle of confidentiality. In Malaysia, there is no doubt that privacy and confidentiality are regarded as essential features for the parties to the arbitration. An arbitrator in breach of the confidentiality requirements would be exposed to misconduct proceedings. Finally, the duty of confidentiality is not absolute and was subject to limited qualifications or exceptions such as consent, compulsion of law, disclosure by leave of the court or disclosure necessary for the purpose necessary of protecting the interest of an arbitrating party.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

How it portrays the human condition Essay

   In the time it’s set of 1801, social classes were arife within the country. It was normality to marry someone within the same class, and was frowned upon to do anything different. The importance of class is evident when Cathy says: ‘if the wicked man had not brought Heathcliff so low, I shouldn’t have thought it [not to marry him]’. This signifies how in this piece of literature Heathcliff is opressed by the rigid class system, and becomes a victim in the way that class is the very thing that prevents Cathy & Heathcliff marrying. The fact Heathcliff is told every day how worthless he is and how lucky he is to be in ‘a decent house’ provokes his hate towards the separation of their society into classes. As of the way Hindley treated him like a servant and degrading him, Heathcliff shows pure hatred towards him. He also exposes this putrid manner towards the Linton’s, whom in time changed Catherine, in a way to believe she was much too good for Heathcliff. We are first made aware of how much class is going to affect Heathcliff’s and Cathy’s love for each other when Catherine is attacked by dogs, in which the blame lies upon Heathcliff. The Linton’s then describe him as: ‘a wicked boy†¦ quite unfit for a decent house. ‘ Although it is hardly frowned upon to marry someone from a different class in today’s society, this novel remains relevant on the human condition by the fact that it portrays how someone will do truly anything in their power to be with the person they love with, which is of course shown by Heathcliff. The fact he has been placed in a lower class differentiates how Cathy shows her love towards him, forcing Heathcliff to try and better himself. This even results in Heathcliff attempting to drive Cathy mad with jealousy, by marrying Isabella. In his pursuit of Cathy’s love, he manages to destroy all around him, affecting his own self. This means that Bronti could even be supporting the upholding of these conventional values. Initially the answer would seem to be no, as the reader sympathizes with Heathcliff; the gypsy oppressed by a rigid class system and constantly referred to as ‘imp’ or ‘fiend’. But as Heathcliff pursues his revenge and persecution of the innocent, the danger posed by him to the community becomes apparent. Like other novels of the 1830s and 40s, Wuthering Heights may really suggest the necessity of preserving traditional ways; to prevent danger to the world that is perhaps even unnecessary, because fighting for this cause still won’t get you what you want. This helps us understand even if we know that ultimately we cannot obtain what we want, we will still fight for it the best we can; part of the human condition. Cathy is so induced by this system of class, she thinks of class as part of the reason to marry someone or a reason to love. Cathy thinks of Edgar as a way of elevating her position in the community, which can be seen when she’s talking to Nelly (and I shall like to be the greatest woman of the neighbourhood). Because Cathy is so interested in society, it comes to a point where it corrupts her love for her own ‘family’. This is apparent to her relationship with Nelly; before Cathy was seduced by this idea of high-society, she regarded Nelly as just as important as her own mother. Though now, Cathy treats Nelly with disrespect, and even attacks her, much to Nelly’s anger: ‘O, Miss, that’s a nasty trick! You have no right to nip me, and I’m not going to bear it’. This is important on the grounds that this represents the human condition in a way that we can all be deeply influenced by something to hurt the ones we love. By a range of devices, Bronti shows how each character is motivated. Throughout the novel we see how human motivation encourages a huge change in Cathy. At the beginning of the novel Bronti portrays her as a content, free, family-orientated girl. For illustration, the novel says Cathy ‘was hardly six years old, but she could ride any horse in the stable’. This shows that Cathy was not yet influenced to be ladylike or prosperous, and was still a kindred spirit. She is still portrayed as this wild young girl, until the point where Heathcliff and she are spying on Thrushcross Grange, and are attacked by dogs. When they are found by the Lintons, Heathcliff is merely sent away deemed as ‘a wicked boy†¦ quite unfit for a decent house’. However, Cathy is invited into the house, and the Lintons show her a whole new way of life, judging by her new concept of class, and anew sense of etiquette. The reader is told that her remaining family have noticed her new self, especially Nelly: ‘there lighted from a handsome black pony a very dignified person’. The fact Nelly compares Cathy’s change to a horse links in with her love of riding horses, as shown earlier in the novel. Now this change has occurred, we now see how Cathy is not only motivated by love and fun as she was with Heathcliff, but by more shallow things perhaps, such as wealth and appearance. She is shown to be motivated by wealth when she discusses Edgar with Nelly (‘and he will be rich’). She in fact talks about Edgar in such a way that she deserves this wealth and life of upper class. You can see how she’s motivated in a shallow fashion when she says to Heathcliff: ‘if you wash your face, and brush your hair, it will be alright. But you are so dirty! ‘ This shows that now, after these new found motivations, Heathcliff has to change how he is to acquire to Cathy’s needs, and in order to be loved by Cathy. On the other hand, Heathcliff is driven by one thing only; his animalistic and pure love for Cathy. Although he is motivated by love, other things quash this motivation, such as cowardice. Heathcliff is jealous of what she sees in Edgar, and tries to tell Cathy he loves her, without success. He is close to declaring his love for her when they’re arguing, and he says: ‘the crosses are for the evenings you have spent with the Lintons, the dots for those spent with me†¦ to show that I do care’. Fuelled by his love for Cathy, and how is world is centred purely on her actions, Heathcliff does some very spiteful things, condemning him as a gothic character. For example, he marries Isabella purely to induce jealousy within Catherine. The novel shows how Heathcliff feels that if Cathy had not become a lady of etiquette with new motivations then they would never have been separated. This can be seen when he says: ‘Because misery, and degradation, and death, and nothing that God or Satan could inflict would have parted us’. With the human condition in question, this is important because it shows how humans can feel hatred not towards a person exactly, but towards the actions and changes that occur in that person. In the novel we are also shown by Bronti how certain circumstances like loss and jealousy can change someone, and their condition of humanity. After his wife dies, Hindley’s character changes dramatically. Before this loss, he loved his family dearly, and was content with his life. However, after her death, Hindley is subdued into a world of alcoholism and fury, to the point where he endangers the lives of his loved ones. This is shown when Hindley ‘carried him [his own son] upstairs and lifted him over the banister’ and actually drops him. Hindley is also affected by jealousy. Because his adoptive brother, Heathcliff, was favoured by his father, he had to endure being shadowed by Heathcliff all of his childhood, until his father died. Considering this, Hindley grew up to hate Heathcliff, and eventually destroyed Heathcliff, using him as a servant, placing him in a lower class. Therefore, Hindley indirectly ruined Heathcliff’s chances of obtaining Cathy’s hand in marriage. In conclusion, I feel that the novel by Emily Bronti helps us to understand the human condition in a way that no other novel does. Her unique way of showing love within the novel meant that she didn’t just show the initial attraction of love, but how it can corrupt one’s other feelings and thoughts. Bronti ‘s use of language within the novel displays the emotions and motivations of the characters successfully, and gives a great sense of the reality of the human condition to the novel. As a result of this, Bronti will remain one of the greatest writers to of lived, and her books will, and currently, remain as relevant and as important as they did in the 19th century.   Laura Pearson Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Miscellaneous section.

Gambling addiction in today`s society Essay

Have you ever gambled in your life? We live in a world where some form of gambling is within our grasp. It can be fun, exciting, and life changing. Some gamblers may say they have control of their gambling behavior; however, a lot of gamblers do not! Most of them lose so much. They lose their jobs, money, family, and friends. Since gambling has so much potential for abuse, external measurements must be put in place to prevent abusive gambling. Did you know Hawaii and Utah are the only 2 states that prohibit all forms of gambling? Gambling is betting money on any game or event. It takes a variety of forms, from nickel-and-dime poker to state-sponsored lotteries and casinos. Different forms of gambling are legal in different parts of the United States. In the early 1900s, most forms of gambling were illegal in the United States. However, legalized gambling has been on the rise since the 1950s. Casinos are establishments where people can place bets on games. They normally offer a variety of card games, dice games, and games of chance. In 1931, Nevada became the first state to allow casino gambling. New Jersey followed in 1978, making casinos legal in Atlantic City. In 2009, legal casinos were operating in forty seven states. Today, different states have different regulations on casinos. In some states, they are still prohibited entirely. In others, casinos may only be run on the water, like riverboat casinos. Casinos also exist on Indian reservations throughout the country. The Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, passed in 1988, declared that Native American tribes have the right to run gaming establishments on their reservations, as long as they are in a state that permits some form of gambling. By 1998, nearly three hundred Indian-operated casinos existed in thirty one states. Casinos have generated wealth and increased employment rates among Native Americans. However, many Native Americans, especially older people, consider the casinos a threat to their traditional values and way of life. The newest form of casino gambling is the online casino, which allows players to place bets over the Internet. Online casinos raise complicated legal issues. For example, if casinos are only legal in certain parts of a state, is it legal to make online casinos available in other parts of the state? If players are placing bets on the outcome of a game in a real, legal casino in another country, does that mean they are actually gambling in that country and not in their homes? Because of these legal problems, American companies have been reluctant to invest in online casinos. Nonetheless, consumers spent about 3 billion dollars in online casinos in 2000. Further restriction on internet gambling came when Congress passed the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006. The purpose of the law is to prevent the use of certain kinds of payment, credit cards, and fund transfers for unlawful internet gambling. Another common form of legal gambling is the state lottery. A lottery is a drawing in which people purchase tickets. A ticket number is selected at random and anyone holding a ticket with that number wins a cash prize. The first state lottery opened in New Hampshire in 1964. By 2009, lotteries were operating in forty one states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

FTA Between Korea and U.S Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

FTA Between Korea and U.S - Research Paper Example   The key proposal of this convention is to double America’s exports in five years under the president’s National Export Initiative. This initiative hopes to double these figures by lowering Korean prices and tariff-rate shares on merchandise only (USTR n.d.). According to the United States International Trade Commission, this decrease alone would contribute between $10 and $12 billion dollars yearly to the American GDP. At the same time, this reduction would contribute $11 billion yearly in goods exports to South Korea. KORUS estimates that more than 95% of the two-sided trade in consumer and manufacturing goods would turn into tariff-free business within half a decade since its approval (Manyin 1). In addition, the agreement would get rid of outstanding duties within a decade. KORUS further proposes the instant removal or phasing out of duties and shares on a wide variety of merchandise. This proposal means that nearly 66%, in terms of value, of South Korea’s farm imports from the United States would turn into tariff-free goods. Other industries that benefit from this drastic reduction in tariffs on American exports are manufacturing, automobile, financial products, and ecological initiatives ( n.d.). The agreement also proposes the opening of South Korea’s $560 billion services market to very competitive American firms. This proposition is geared towards offering employment opportunities for American employees in industries such as distribution, communications, education, and healthcare.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Public Administration Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Public Administration - Case Study Example The experiment showed that limiting members of each crew would be more efficient and less costly. The replacement would involve the use of more advanced equipment that would require less of human labor. The most important information that helped a great deal during the whole procedure was the use of number of residents representing the city. It helped to identify all aspects of the city and the character of garbage deposition throughout the city. It gave a clear picture that is important in predicting and planning for the city. Another important aspect is the use of time and population as the basic data unit. During the experiment, certain assumptions made lead to its success. The garbage cans used are of average capacity from each home. Therefore, the amount of garbage is of the same capacity from each home. Another assumption is the residents willingly cooperating with the staff and following every instruction as required. Methods of analysis used to evaluate the methods were the same in all scenarios. The study used tables to represent and analyze the data collected. The study considered the total average weight collected in five days, time taken to access seven hundred and thirty units in the street, time taken to access five hundred and sixty five units in the alley, labor costs and price of equipment. The next step is conversion of the data to the total city population to give the overall picture. In the method one and two, were not effective as it was prone to a lot of time wasted. The methods could not allow for maximum garbage collection. Although method three and four were quite efficient, the cost of maintenance of the modified rear-loading packer would cost the town a lot. Method 5 proved to be very efficient and economical. The side-loaded vehicle eased the work and it improved every individual’s responsibility in garbage collection. The cost of modification and purchase the trucks in method 4 in a spurn of 20 years is